PARENTS/GUARDIANS/GUARDIANS who wish to have a photograph taken of their children by the Club's official photographer, together with the UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. team, will be subject to the following rules:
- Applicants and authorizers must have sufficient capacity to provide said authorization, even individually, and will be responsible for the lack of said capacity.
- The minimum age will be two years so that they can walk and accompany the Club staff and the maximum will be 13 years.
- The request will be made in advance, to the email address tufotoconlaud@udlaspalmas.es
- The limit of participants will be 20. If places are sold out, subscribers and supporters will have priority access.
- Both the father and the mother are required to sign the authorization document.The lack of signature prevents access to the service.
The deadline for receiving applications will close three days before the date of the match. - Minors who want to take a picture with the starting eleven must wear the official hummel game kit, both the first and second kits as well as the goalkeeper kit.
- One of the parents with the minor will go to the grandstand area next to the VIP glass once they have entered the stadium through the stands. He must have the request sent and confirmed by hand, as well as the season ticket or ticket so that they can facilitate access to the stands, where they will wait half an hour before the game.
- Minors will be accompanied at all times and exclusively by Club personnel to the point of photographing, and once taken, they will be returned to the same collection point where they will be accompanied to their corresponding stand.
- Parents will expressly authorize UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. and secondarily to the assignees of the television rights of the UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. matches, to be able to use all the images and recordings, or parts of them, in which the minor participates.
- Once the photo is obtained, the Club will send a copy of the photo via the email provided and at no cost.
- That said authorization refers to all the uses that the photographs and recorded images in which the minor appears may have, and more specifically, it is authorized so that said photos can be inserted in printed publications and broadcast said recorded images on television in the various media of UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. and by the televisions that broadcast the game. All this with the sole exception and limitation of those uses or applications that could violate the right to honor in the terms provided in Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal privacy and family and self-image.
In accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection regulations, parents will be informed that the personal data collected in the authorization is incorporated into the systems and files for which UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. is responsible for internal management. - Parents will exonerate by document both the person in charge and UNION DEPORTIVA LAS PALMAS, S.A.D. of any type of responsibility (including those that occur in the transfers of the minor to the point of photographic realization and the subsequent return of him).