PARENTS/GUARDIANS/RESPONSIBLE PARTIES who wish for their children to participate in the flag ceremony at the beginning of Unión Deportiva Las Palmas home matches must comply with the following rules:
- Applicants and authorizing parties must have the necessary legal capacity to grant such authorization individually and will be held responsible for any lack of such capacity.
- Participants must be between 8 and 17 years old to ensure they can independently follow the instructions given by the Club’s staff and the Federation of Supporters’ Clubs.
- Requests must be submitted in advance via email to ondealabanderaud@udlaspalmas.es.Both parents are required to sign the authorization document. Failure to sign will result in denial of access to the service.
- The deadline for submitting requests is three days before the scheduled match.
- One parent, along with the child, must go to the flag workshop located in the Fanzone (outside the Curva Stand)two hours before the match, where they will be taught how to properly handle the flag. They must bring a printed copy of the submitted and confirmed request, as well as a season ticket or match ticket to access the workshop.
- After the training, they must enter through their designated turnstiles according to their season ticket/match ticket and proceed to the meeting point at sector C35 in the South Stand one hour before kickoff.
- The minors will be accompanied exclusively by Club staff at pitch level in the Naciente and South zones. Once the experience is completed, they will be returned to the same meeting point and accompanied back to their corresponding stands.
Media Authorization
- Parents expressly authorize Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, S.A.D., and, secondarily, the holders of the broadcasting rights for the club's matches, to use any images and recordings, in whole or in part, in which the minor appears.
- This authorization applies to all possible uses of the photographs and recorded images, including publication in printed materials and broadcasting on television via various media owned by Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, S.A.D., and other networks airing the match.
- The only exception to this authorization is for uses that may infringe on the minor’s right to honor, as protected under Organic Law 1/1982 of May 5 on the civil protection of honor, personal and family privacy, and personal image rights.
Data Protection and Liability Waiver
- In compliance with personal data protection regulations, parents will be informed that the personal data collected in the authorization form will be incorporated into the systems and files managed by Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, S.A.D.for internal administration purposes.
- Additionally, parents must sign a waiver releasing both the designated official and Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, S.A.D. from any liability, including any incidents that may occur during the transportation of the minor to and from the flag-waving location.